Zero-Day Attack Prevention.

Deep Instinct provide the world’s first and only purpose-built, deep learning cybersecurity framework.

Solution: Security

Changing the way organisations  approach cybersecurity by stopping unknown threats before they can land in your environment. This allows for peace of mind with the knowledge that attackers have lost their edge. The rest of your security stack runs more efficiently, and your team’s job satisfaction improves.

File uploads through your web applications, user downloads from the internet, and third-party suppliers transferring files into your environment leave your organisation blind to malicious content in your network. Deep Instinct meets the attacker earlier to prevent unknown threats that are hidden before they enter storage or land on the endpoint and/or server. This agentless solution allows you to deploy anywhere. The flexible, docking container easily aligns with existing workflows and connects via API or ICAP wherever files are uploading or moving.

Deep Instinct doesn’t require cloud lookups or threat intelligence to make a verdict, therefore your sensitive data never leaves your environment, maintaining full data privacy.

Deep Instinct’s proactive security approach improves your overall cybersecurity effectiveness and efficiency to reduce risk and lower the overall total cost of ownership. Preventing over 99% of known and unknown attacks, Deep Instinct for endpoint reduces false positives to almost zero (<0.1%). Compared to other solutions, this significantly reduces the amount of time spent on unnecessary reports and a focus on real threats, not perceived ones.

Why Deep Instinct?

Deep Learning with Deep Instinct

Deep instinct takes a prevention-first approach. Their deep learning framework is one of only six major deep learning frameworks in the world; and the only one purpose-built for cybersecurity.

Deep learning is the most advanced form of artificial intelligence and prevents known, unknown, and zero-day malware before it enters your environment. It is constantly self-learning as it ingests data and works autonomously to predict, detect, and prevent threats.

99 & 0.1 Deep Instinct