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Automate your compliance with Drata

Drata automates hundreds of hours of manual, repetitive work to help your company improve its security posture, maintain audit readiness, and pass security reviews.

How it works

Drata is revolutionizing the way companies achieve and maintain compliance across numerous frameworks, including SOC 2, ISO27001, HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR, CCPA, ISO 27701, Microsoft SSPA,

NIST CSF, NIST 800-171, NIST 800-53, CMMC, and FFIEC. This means less time spent taking screenshots, living in spreadsheets, and going back and forth with your auditor. Instead, Drata integrates with all of your SaaS services to bring the compliance status of all your people, devices, assets, and vendors into one place—giving you visibility into your compliance status and control across your security program.

Drata’s intuitive, automated platform, allows you to focus on growth and innovation, while putting security and compliance on autopilot.

1. Get Audit-Ready

Get audit-ready faster than ever with Drata’s automation-led approach to continuous control monitoring and evidence collection.

2. Get Audited

Drata’s partner auditor network is trained to use Drata for a streamlined, transparent audit with less back and forth.

3. Stay Compliant

Automated testing of controls and evidence collection helps maintain compliance year-round, without excessive manual work.

4. Scale Securely

Workflow automation and integrations keep you secure and compliant as your company scales.

75+ Integrations for a Single Picture of Security and Compliance

Drata integrates with your SaaS services to bring the compliance status of all your people, devices, assets, and vendors into one place—giving you visibility into your security posture and control across your security program. Save time by leaving screenshots, spreadsheets, cron jobs, and internal checks in the past.

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Automated Monitoring and Evidence Collection

Drata’s autopilot system is a layer of communication between siloed tech stacks and confusing compliance controls. You don’t need to figure out how to get compliant or manually check dozens of systems to provide evidence to auditors.

Dashboard With Real-Time Audit-Readiness

Every day, Drata runs over 100 automated tests on your controls. Assigned owners get an alert of any failed tests and are provided with the right tools to close that gap. These analytics power your dashboard so you know exactly how secure you are today and how ready you are for your next audit.

Built-in Risk Management Solution

Use Drata’s built-in Risk Assessment or upgrade to managing risk through our Risk Management Solution. Choose from 150+ pre-mapped risks, create a unique treatment plan, and continuously monitor risk in one central platform.

Want to take a closer look at Drata?

Get in touch with Highgate and book a demo to find out more about Drata today