Highgate receive a 3-Star rating from Support the Goals

Highgate have been awarded a 3-star rating from Support The Goals! In 2015, 193 world leaders agreed 17 goals to tackle poverty, equality and climate change. These became the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and are described as ‘the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all,’ by the United Nations.* Support the …

Earth Day 2022 – Litter picking with Agilitas IT Solutions

To honour this year’s Earth Day (it’s today!), we paired up with our good friends Agilitas IT Solutions Limited and headed out for a litter pick to support #TheGreatGlobalCleanup. Microplastics are now in the food that we eat and the air we breathe. By removing waste and pollution from public spaces, we are helping #EndPlasticPollution. …

We’re a finalist! – BusinessGreen Leaders Awards

We are very proud to announce that our very own Alliances Manager & Sustainability Lead, Jenny Latimer has been named as a finalist in this year’s BusinessGreen Leaders Awards. Jenny is in the Young Sustainability of the Year category and this celebrates the work and actions she has led in our sustainability strategy since joining …